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Blekinge Institute of Technology
Department of Industrial Economics

Revision: 1 BTH-4.1.14-0654-2024

Course syllabus

Product management

Product management

7.5 credits (7,5 högskolepoäng)

Course code: IY1463
Main field of study: Industrial Economics and Management
Disciplinary domain: Technology
Education level: First-cycle
Specialization: G1F - First cycle, has less than 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Language of instruction: English
Applies from: 2024-09-16
Approved: 2024-09-16

1. Descision

This course is established by Dean 2024-05-27. The course syllabus is approved by Head of Department of Industrial Economics 2024-09-16 and applies from 2024-09-16.

2. Entry requirements

Admission to the course requires completed courses of 30 credits in technology, of which at least 6 credits in industrial economics and management.

3. Objective and content

3.1 Objective

The purpose of the course is to develop the student's fundamental knowledge in product management, focusing on four main areas: management and organization for product management, the supply and development of products and services, productization, and commercialization of products and services. Another objective is to enhance the student's understanding of the role and responsibilities of a product manager.

3.2 Content

The course covers the following:

  • Strategic and operational product management, various control and management models such as quality control, process control, and performance control
  • The company's organization and role distribution, with a particular focus on the role and responsibility of the product manager
  • The company's situation and how it affects product management and product offerings
  • The distinctive features and life cycle phases of products and services
  • The meaning and need for product innovations and product development
  • The purpose and meaning of productization
  • The process from product/service idea to commercialization, including research, positioning, design and requirement specification, marketing, and choice of delivery methods

4. Learning outcomes

The following learning outcomes are examined in the course:

4.1. Knowledge and understanding

On completion of the course, the student will be able to:

  • Explain the differences and similarities between products and services and provide examples from different industries
  • Explain how the choice of control and management model affects the development processes for products and product offerings
  • Describe and explain some of the laws and regulations companies must comply with when launching new products and services
  • Describe the role of the product manager
  • Describe a product's life cycle
  • Describe the steps from a product/service idea to a commercialized product or service

4.2. Competence and skills

On completion of the course, the student will be able to:

  • Identify and discuss challenges related to the commercialization of a product/service, such as pricing, marketing, target groups, sales channel selection, and intellectual property rights
  • Propose how a product, service, or further development of a product can be productized in a given situation and assess the feasibility of doing so
  • Propose how a new product and/or service or further development of a product can be commercialized and assess the feasibility of doing so based on, for example, the target group, product requirements, and life cycle

4.3. Judgement and approach

On completion of the course, the student will be able to:

  • Critically reflect on the actual role of the product manager and what should be included in it
  • Evaluate and critically assess product and service ideas as well as product innovations based on the parameters addressed in the course’s four main areas
  • Reflect on product management and how product development processes relate to the choice of control model and role distribution

5. Learning activities

The course consists mainly of lectures, both recorded and synchronous. Students will also deepen their knowledge through self-study, discussions, and exercises.

6. Assessment and grading

Modes of examinations of the course

Code Module Credit Grade
2505 Written Assignment 1 1 credits GU
2515 Written Assignment 2 1.5 credits GU
2525 Written Assignment 3 1 credits GU
2535 Project Proposal 4 credits AF

The course will be graded A Excellent, B Very good, C Good, D Satisfactory, E Sufficient, FX Failed result, a little more work required, F Fail.

Written exams may be followed up with an oral examination.

The information before a course occasion states the assessment criteria and make explicit in which modes of examination that the learning outcomes are assessed.

An examiner can, after consulting the Disability Advisor at BTH, decide on a customized examination form for a student with a long-term disability to be provided with an examination equivalent to one given to a student who is not disabled.

7. Course evaluation

The course evaluation should be carried out in line with BTH:s course evaluation template and process.

8. Restrictions regarding degree

The course can form part of a degree but not together with another course the content of which completely or partly corresponds with the contents of this course.

9. Course literature and other materials of instruction

ResourcesCrawford C. Merle and Di Benedetto C. Anthony (2020), New Products Managemet. Mc Graw Hill.
ISBN:1260512029 / 9781260512021

Lemay Matt (2022), Produkt Management in Practice. O´Reilly.ISBN: 978-1-098-11973-7

Additional scientific articles, max 200 pages.

10. Additional information

This course replaces IY1442