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Blekinge Institute of Technology
Department of Software Engineering

Revision: 3

Course syllabus

Project in Security with emphasis Software Development

Project in Security with emphasis Software Development

8 credits (8 högskolepoäng)

Course code: DV1512
Main field of study: Computer Science
Disciplinary domain: Technology
Education level: First-cycle
Specialization: G1F - First cycle, has less than 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Language of instruction: Swedish
Applies from: 2024-11-01
Approved: 2024-11-01

1. Descision

This course is established by Head of the Department of Software Engineering on delegation from the Dean of the Faculty of Computer Sciences 2015-08-31. The course syllabus is approved by Head of Department of Software Engineering 2024-11-01 and applies from 2024-11-01.

2. Entry requirements

The student must succesfully have completed courses in Programming of at least 15 ECTS credits, Algorithms and Data Structures of at least 6 ECTS credits, Security of at least 6 ECTS credits and Encryption of at least 6 ECTS credits. Attended courses of the following areas; Data communication, Network technology, Real-time Systems, Operating systems, and Computer technology.

3. Objective and content

3.1 Objective

Förmågan att utveckla datorbaserade system som möter eller befäster säkerhetskraven som ställs är en central och viktig del i varje system. Detta kräver kunskap om de olika modeller som finns för både systemutveckling och modeller kring att säkra dessa system. Kursen syftar till att ge studenten grundläggande kunskap om hur utveckling av programvarusystem går till. Genom utveckling av ett mindre system, eller stödsystem, inom säkerhetsområdet i mindre arbetsteam tillämpas kunskaperna om hur utveckling av programvarusystem sker. Kursen behandlar också begreppet säkerhet av ett system från perspektivet programvaruutveckling.

3.2 Content

Grundläggande begrepp och processer inom programvaruutveckling.
Utvecklingsprocessen för programvara. Processmodellering. Kravhantering. Testning.
Arkitekturdesign och modellering med Unified Modeling Language (UML). Projektstyrning. Projektuppföljning. Projektdokumentation. Systemattributet säkerhet, terminologi, typer av säkerhetskrav, principiell riskanalys av säkerhetskrav. Säkerhet i utvecklingsprocessen.

Planering, organisation och uppföljning av programvaruprojekt i team: åtagandekultur, projektorganisation, olika roller i projekt,
projektplanering och uppföljning, testplanering och rapportering, leveransplanering och dokumentation.
Analys och reflektion av individens och gruppens arbete: rapportskrivning. Muntlig presentation.

4. Learning outcomes

The following learning outcomes are examined in the course:

5. Learning activities

6. Assessment and grading

Modes of examinations of the course

Code Module Credit Grade
1510 Team project 5 credits GU
1520 Individual final report 2 credits GU
1530 Oral presentation 1 credits GU

The course will be graded G Pass, UX Failed result, a little more work required, U Fail.

The examiner may carry out oral follow-up of written examinations.

The information before a course occasion states the assessment criteria and make explicit in which modes of examination that the learning outcomes are assessed.

An examiner can, after consulting the Disability Advisor at BTH, decide on a customized examination form for a student with a long-term disability to be provided with an examination equivalent to one given to a student who is not disabled.

7. Course evaluation

The course evaluation should be carried out in line with BTH:s course evaluation template and process.

8. Restrictions regarding degree

The course can form part of a degree but not together with another course the content of which completely or partly corresponds with the contents of this course.

9. Course literature and other materials of instruction